Thursday, June 17, 2010

A New World

The hours following Coen's birth seemed to fly. Saying I was exhausted doesn't really cover how tired I really was. All I wanted to do was stare at him but I couldn't even hold my head up long enough to eat. We were moved to a different room where we would stay for the rest of our time there. Of course the nurses offered to keep Coen in the nursery for a few hours for us to get some sleep, but I couldn't handle him not being there. After my parents and B's mom left we decided it was time for a our first family nap, (you quickly learn with a newborn that all you will get for a long time is just a bunch of naps). Coen slept for a while but was sure to wake up to eat. For those of you with children you know that those first few days it is very difficult to keep them awake while nursing. You wouldn't know by looking at him but we did struggle for a while trying to keep him awake to eat.

Right after his birth we were informed that he had a hematoma across the back of his head, (a BIG blood bruise), it was due to Dr. Richardson having to use suction. The nurses all said it looked a lot worse than it was and it would probably be gone in a few days. Of course I was tore up over it because it did look awful and I was so worried that it was hurting him. By the time we got up on Tuesday the blood was nearly reabsorbed! My parents came back and brought tons of BOY clothes, because as I mentioned we didn't find out Coen was a boy prior to his birth.

We spent the rest of our stay learning how to properly nurse and just trying to absorb every little breath.

The days at the hospital seemed to fly by. However, when it came time to go home I was very ready! Coen was slightly jaundice so he was monitored regularly during our hospital stay, he was never bad enough to have to stay under the lights but they did want us to get into our pediatrician the day after we went home.

Current News: Coen rolled over from his belly to his back last night!! Daddy and mommy both went crazy and we were so happy that we were both there to see it. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Good Job, Mr. Coen! I am so happy that you & Broc were both there to witness Coen's first "roll-over!" We love ya'll!
